My First Tri Finish

My First Tri Finish
Finishing My First Tri

Tugaloo Run

Tugaloo Run
On the run at Tugaloo Olympic Triathlon 2009

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Committment & Dedication

My time after work has been getting really limited lately every night by things that keep coming up. Between two meetings on Monday that I double booked, trying to move one to Tuesday, a class on Wednesday, a party and last minute work travel at the same time on Thursday, a friend's birthday dinner on Friday - when am I supposed to train???!!!

This this has been happening a lot lately and it reminds me of why I decided to start training for triathlons in the first place. I wanted something to make me consistently exercise almost everyday. It is so easy on weeks like this to skip a night or two or all because when the meetings are over you only have an hour or maybe a little more to squeeze in training before you need to be in bed. Oh yeah and I need to find time to go to the store and cook dinner. Ugh! *collapse*

Why am I doing this? Why do I even try to squeeze in training? Because I believe that regular exercise does a body good. I don't want to get flabby and fat. I want to be healthy and be able to run long distances, bike, swim, hike, and do other activities without getting tired easily. Occasionally if I just can get to the gym before they close I won't train but I will try to schedule my evenings so I can train everyday for the most part.

Joining the Atlanta Triathlon Club is going to make flexibility a little more difficult soon when we start having group practices everyday. Their facilities are not close to my work or house so convenience will be an issue. I guess I will see how it will all play out but I know with my committment to exercise and dedication to getting to the gym regularly it should work out ok.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anna! Thanks for visiting my blog. Your story about doing triathlons is very inspiring. If I weren't so afraid of swimming, I might just do it too!
